The Perfect Solution

July 21st, 2010 by Mark Roberts Leave a reply »
CEO of Springboard Biodiesel

CEO of Springboard Biodiesel

I was recently forwarded a brilliant analysis by Mssrs. Wayne Arden and John Fox entitled “Producing and Using Biodiesel in Afghanistan” ( I strongly encourage anyone interested in biodiesel to read this, as it describes a very rare triple win biodiesel production situation: turn opium into biodiesel in Afghanistan. This accomplishes the following goals: Dramatically reduces the cost to the military of their diesel fuel (any organization that calculates efficiency with the metric “gallons per mile” needs alternatives); provides a level of energy independence; and reduces the Taliban’s main cash crop (opiates), and keeps the poppy farmers well paid! In short the local feedstock is perfect economically and politically and militarily!

When I read this, it felt like I had just discovered a suitcase of $100 bills. Money on the ground, but what’s the catch? How can it be this easy? Surprisingly the physical/chemical/economic process is just as easy and elegant as it seems (pick up the suitcase). Unfortunately, the logistics need time. The US military is nothing if not HUGE, and so getting the right people to notice the suitcase and then take steps to pick it up will likely take time, but it will be time well spent.

General Patraeus, please give me a call and let Springboard Biodiesel contribute to the mission.
